AprilAire is
Healthy Air
Improve wellness, protect your home, and even reduce stress with a complete collection of whole-house Healthy Air solutions designed to help you breathe easy.
Fill your home with Healthy Air for added virus protection, improved health, increased productivity, and better sleep.

Air Filters
Reduce maintenance time, cost, and upgrade performance over standard filters with our patented self-seal technology that traps harmful airborne particulates.

Air Purifiers
Browse our selection of whole-home and portable room air purifiers to reduce odors, asthma and allergy triggers, and airborne viruses in your family's home.

Water Panels
Trap all the harmful airborne particulates that run through your home and allow your HVAC system and humidifier to do their jobs quickly and efficiently.
Humidity: Raised
Introducing the NEW AprilAire 720 Fan-Powered Evaporative Humidifier with HydroCore™ Technology—an innovative solution that combines industry-leading capacity with 60% reduction in wastewater* for superior performance and water savings you can count on.
Radon Testing & Mitigation View all

Consumer Report Ratings
AprilAire MERV 13 and MERV 16 filters were included in Consumer Reports’ 2023 Air Filter Ratings
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Unlock Restful Sleep
As the winter months approach, we prepare for colder days, fewer hours of daylight, and an uptick in indoor heating. But one thing many people don’t anticipate is the impact of dry winter air on their sleep. It’s common to wake up with a scratchy throat, dry skin, or even a nosebleed when the air in your home loses its moisture.
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Donate to a Good Cause
Get to know the charitable groups we support and see how they're breathing life into communities in need.